'Calories in different types of Indian foods, and how to choose foods with low calories and high calories are discussed in this video. All foods are not the same. If you have a specific goal of weight loss or weight gain then you should be aware of calories in your food. Your main calories are explained here which come from the following foods: 1. Water 2. Vegetables 3. Fruits 4. Rice, Roti, Bread and Oats 5. Pulses 6. Milk and dairy Products 7. Eggs and Chicken 8. Sugar 9. Soft Drinks 10. Alcoholic Drinks 11. Biscuits and Wafers 12. Nuts 13. Oils Make a habit of healthy eating in your daily routine by this video. Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/roshanaesthetics_fit_indian/ High Protein Vegetarian Foods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKsGoyt5dgM Calculate your macros here for cutting and gaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulc5QOA5B3g&list=PLk6dOPCaQMN6eAV3i9nLgM-A9nvhj09ED&index=7 Find your total daily calorie requirement based on your physical activity level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6LZOY1V6MM&list=PLk6dOPCaQMN6eAV3i9nLgM-A9nvhj09ED&index=5 For cardio at home do visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfIbnpTUx9g&list=PLk6dOPCaQMN6eAV3i9nLgM-A9nvhj09ED&index=3'
Tags: fat loss , weight gain , indian foods , food calories , indian diet , Calories in food , proten diet , calories for fatloss
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